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AMOS Goes Camping


This past weekend I went with my daughter to her triathlon training camp at Kejimkujik National Park in Nova Scotia. We purchased a campsite for two nights and brought the tent, her bike and other triathlon-related equipment, a kayak, and of course AMOS! While Kirsten practiced swimming, biking, and running, I figured I could test out AMOS and follow around in the kayak.

The weather on Friday turned out to be awful though. Tropical storm "Elsa" passed through the area late in the day with high gusting winds and buckets of rain. The fly on our camping tent kept nothing dry, as rain was easily blown underneath, so that by Friday evening, it was basically raining INSIDE the tent too. We decided to put AMOS, the bike, and most of the other equipment in the tent, and ended up spending the night in the van instead.

Fortunately the weather on Saturday was much better, and by noon it turned into a sunny hot day. While Kirsten was training around Merrimakedge Beach, I mostly kayaked and observed AMOS as it followed a pre-programmed sampling course. Unfortunately I had forgotten to bring a necessary cable for the depth sensor, but did manage to get some good conductivity and temperature data over a few hours:

Over the last couple of weeks some progress has been made on the Android app for viewing AMOS and phone / tablet positions on an Esri / ArcGIS map:

At present you can see the position of AMOS (yellow boat outline), and the position of the phone / tablet holder (white stick figure), but there is no data visible on the map yet, just some diagnostic information below the map.

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